Those wishing to apply to participate in this experiment will need to send an email to this email address stating their desire to participate:
Theo V
You may apply for a device temporarily or attempt to form a Research Hub.
Collect willing participants and send an email saying whether or not you wish to retain possession of a tACS device in order to conduct future experiments, will maintain a Research Hub, and collaborate to design and execute experiments with the community. Include in the email the number of your prospective test subjects as well. Even if you don't make the threshold for permanent device ownership based on your number of available test subjects, I will happily include you as a participant and loan you a device as long as you're willing to pay to ship it to the next participant in line. If you don't want to keep the device, the previous statement applies to you by default.
I'll be making five devices for this experiment with my own money. Three will go to Research Hubs (whichever three people applying have the most test subjects), and two will be circulated among people who are using them temporarily. If you feel like giving money to increase the number of units and expand the research efforts, send via paypal to
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